Online Appointments


Work with me online from the comfort of your own home!

Online sessions are as effective as in person appointments, with the added convenience of relaxing in your own home environment. You can use your time to explore, restore balance and move forward in any aspect of your life that feels stuck or needs a fresh outlook and options for positive change or action.

e.g. A new focus on health issues, emotional balance, creativity, old behavioural patterns, ancestral or family patterns, clearing limiting beliefs, developing resilience, personal development, following your dreams and much more.

Let's connect!

Please email me about your goals for change and book in for a a FREE Discovery call to see if we are a 'fit'.

Online sessions FAQs

We'll have an in-depth conversation, exploring what yuou want to focus on and how it's affecting you. I'll help you connect the dots, gain clarity and understanding and transform outdated attitudes, perspectives and old patterns to help you create and walk your own path towards your goals for change. I am not limited by distance in my approach.

In short, Yes! Wherever you are, you are easily able to connect to your own feelings, thoughts, ideas, memories and imagination, as well as experience the same energetic shifts and transformations as if you were physically present.

Online sessions range between 1-2hrs. I also offer shorter appointments for rapid stress release, laser focus follow ups for current clients or energy readings and balance.

You will be sent a Zoom or Skype link. Simply download the Zoom app to your device or pc, register your free account and you're good to go. For an initial session, a 'tech-checkup' may be needed so that we can see and hear each other easily. Sign in 5 mins or so before the meeting, check your audio and video, enter the virtual 'waiting room' and I'll meet you at our arranged meeting time.

For your own privacy, please ensure you are meeting from a room where you won't be disturbed for the duration of the meeting.

Online appointments depend on a good wifi signal. If for any reason there is an unexpected or prolonged break in reception, we can continue the session via telephone.

About Spirals of Life

Founder, therapeutic coach and musician, Liz Kozlowski brings her extensive experience in the field of well being and rapid transformation to help you realize your extra-ordinary potential for health, peace of mind, creativity and fulfilment.

Cancellation Terms


Performer's health and well being. Overcoming stage fright. An holistic approach to the performing arts.
#performanceanxiety #theholisticpianist #mindbodymusic #musicianshealth



'Liz, thank you again for the hugely, beneficial treatment - I have gained more from our four sessions than I have in the last four or five years of trying other treatments and conventional medicine.'


Get in Touch

  • Email:
  • Address:
    Online - UK
    Online - Worldwide
